Alison Lamb
Admin & Fundraising Manager

Alison has completed the FIA Certificate of Fundraising, the Diploma of Business Administration and is currently studying the Diploma of Leadership & Management.
She began working in the not-for-profit sector due to her combined interests of volunteering, community, administration, and logistics. Alison worked with Snowy Hydro SouthCare, the primary aeromedical and rescue helicopter service for ACT & SE NSW, managing fundraising programs, events and volunteers for ten years. Alison then worked with Cancer Council ACT, coordinating Cancer Council’s much loved and iconic events and peer to peer fundraising campaigns for two years before beginning work at Heart Support Australia.
Alison’s father had his first heart event in his forties and recently passed away from a cardiac arrest after declining health in his late seventies. Alison empathises and understands the trauma that cardiac patients and their families experience and recognises the value of Heart Support Australia’s important work.