About Heart Support Australia
Our Vision
To stop secondary cardiac events and improve the lives of those living with heart disease in Australia.
Our Mission
To facilitate the transition from hospital to home and provide ongoing support for heart disease patients in Australia, with particular attention in regional Australia.
Our Values
Respect for individuals’ needs and feelings.
Collaboration with professionals to build knowledge and pursue excellence in care and support.
Care and support to encourage individuals to achieve their maximum potential.
Inclusivity by recognising the individuality of people and by acknowledging their rights.
Equity of access to peer support for cardiac patients, regardless of their geographic location in Australia.
What We Do
Heart Support Australia is the peak national body providing support to Australians affected by heart disease through peer support. We are a national consumer organisation providing support, encouragement, education and advocacy for heart disease patients and their families.
Established in 1989, our mission is to facilitate the transition from hospital to home and provide ongoing support for heart disease patients in Australia. Our goal is to stop cardiac events and improve the lives of those living with heart disease in Australia.
Our peer support programs have helped thousands of Australians achieve improved physical and psychosocial health outcomes over the years. Our groups provide a safe space to receive education, discuss concerns, and increase social connectedness leading to improved physical and psychosocial health.
Heart Support Australia is the only organisation nationally to train and coordinate Hospital Patient Visitors to attend various hospitals around the country providing individual bedside peer support to those patients in need after a newly diagnosed heart condition or surgery.
Advocacy plays a big role in our organisation, with Heart Support Australia a respected consumer voice in the space of cardiovascular disease. We advocate to government or to other stakeholders to ensure consumers are heard on matters that them and their access to healthcare in the country.